- Documentation
Generates reports of dependency resolving. One report per configuration is generated, but all reports generated together are hyperlinked one to each other.
This task should be used only after a call to resolve, even if the call was not done during the same ant build.
In fact, this task uses xml report generated by resolve in cache. So if you call resolve on a module for a given configuration, you can call report safely on this module and this configuration as long as you do not clean your ivy cache.
If you want to have an idea of what reports look like, check this very simple example.
The task also generates a graphml file which can be loaded with the free yEd graph editor.
Then following a few simple steps you can obtain a graph like this one.
since 1.4
If a custom XSL is specified, it's possible to specify additional parameters to the stylesheet.Attribute | Description | Required |
todir | the directory to which reports should be generated | No, defaults to ${ivy.report.todir}, or execution directory if not defined |
outputpattern | the generated report names pattern | No, defaults to ${ivy.report.output.pattern}, or [organisation]-[module]-[conf].[ext] if not defined |
xsl | true to generate a report (by default html report) using xslt, false otherwise since 1.3 | No, defaults to true |
xml | true to generate a xml report, false otherwise since 1.3 | No, defaults to false |
graph | true to generate graphml files, false otherwise | No, defaults to true |
dot | true to generate graphviz dot files, false otherwise since 1.4 | No, defaults to false |
conf | a comma separated list of the configurations for which a report should be generated | No. Defaults to the configurations resolved by the last resolve call (during same ant build), or ${ivy.resolved.configurations} if no resolve was called |
organisation | the name of the organisation of the module for which report should be generated | No, unless no resolve was called during the build. Defaults to last resolved module organisation. |
module | the name of the module for which report should be generated | No, unless no resolve was called during the build. Defaults to last resolved module. |
validate | true to force ivy files validation against ivy.xsd, false to force no validation | No. Defaults to default ivy value (as configured in configuration file) |
xslfile | indicates which xsl file should be used to generate the report | No, defaults to ivy provided xsl which generates html report |
settingsRef | A reference to the ivy settings that must be used by this task (since 2.0) | No, 'ivy.instance' is taken by default. |
To generate a HTML and graphml report:<report conf="compile" />
To generate a HTML report only:
<report conf="compile" graph="false" />
To generate an XML report using a custom stylesheet:
<report conf="compile" xslfile="my-custom-stylesheet.xsl" xslext="xml" />To generate an XML report using a custom stylesheet which needs some parameters:
<report conf="compile" xslfile="my-custom-stylesheet.xsl" xslext="xml">
<param name="param1" expression="value1" />
<param name="param2" expression="value2" />