- Documentation
The best way to learn is to practice! That's what the ivy tutorials will help you to do, to discover some of the great ivy features.
Here is the very first tutorial, it doesn't even require to install Ivy, and should not take more than 30 seconds if you already have ant and a jdk properly installed:
- make sure you have ant 1.6.0 or greater and a jdk properly installed
- copy this build file in an empty directory on your local filesystem (and make sure you name it build.xml)
- open a console in this directory and run "ant". That's it!
OK, you've seen how easy it is to make your first step with ivy? Go ahead with the other tutorials, but before make sure you have properly installed ivy and downloaded the tutorials sources (included in all ivy distributions, in the src/example directory).
The following tutorials are available:
- Quick Start guide you through your very first steps with ivy.
- Adjusting default settings give you a better understanding of the default settings and show you how to customize them to your needs.
- Multiple Resolvers teach you how to configure Ivy to find its dependencies in multiple places.
- Dual Resolver help you configure ivy to find ivy files in one place and artifacts in another.
- Project dependenciesProject Dependencies a very first step toward using Ivy in a multi project environment.
- Using Ivy in multiple projects environment a more complex example demonstrating the use of Ant+Ivy in a multi project environment.
- Using Ivy Configurations show how to use configurations in ivy file to define set of artifacts.
- Building a repository show how to build your own enterprise repository.