- Documentation
Here are some terms used in Ivy, with their definitions in Ivy:
An organisation is either a company or a simple group of personwhich produce software. Ivy handle only one level of organisation, so you cannot
describe a company hierarchy with this concept. But it is used to group sofware
produced by a same team, just to help find and classify them.
Examples: apache, ibm, jayasoft
A module in ivy is a piece of software that is reusable, and thatfollow a unique cycle of revision.
Examples: hibernate, ant, ...
An artifact is a single file produced by a company when releasing a module. Inthe java world, common artifacts are jars. In many cases, each revision of a
module publish only one artifact (like log4j, for instance), but some of them
publish many artifacts dependending on the use of the module (like ant, for instance).
A revision corresponds to one delivery of a module. It can either be a deliveryof a release, a milestone, a beta version, a nightly build, or even a continuous
build. All of them are considered revisions in ivy.
A branch corresponds to the standard meaning of a branch (or sometimes stream) in source control management tools.The head, or trunk, or main stream, is also considered as a branch in Ivy.
A module configuration is a way to use or construct a module. Some modules may be used in different ways (think about hibernate which can be used inside or outside an application server), and this way may alter the artifacts you need (in the case of hibernate, jta.jar is needed only if it is used outside an application server).Moreover, a module may need some other modules and artifacts only at build time,
and some others at runtime. All those differents ways to use or build a module
are called in ivy configurations.
For more details on configurations and how they are used in ivy, please refer to the main concepts page.
A module status indicates how stable a module revision can be considered. It canbe used to consolidate the status of all the dependencies of a module, to prevent
the use of an integration revision of a dependency in the release of your module.
Three statuses are defined by default in ivy:
- integration: revisions builded by a continuous build, a nightly build, and so on, fall in this category
- milestone: revisions delivered to the public but not actually finished fall in this category
- release: revision fully tested and labelled fall in this category
Module descriptor or metadata
A generic way to identify what describes a module: the identifier (organisation, name, branch, revision), the published artifacts and the dependencies.The most common module descriptors in Ivy are Ivy Files, xml files with an Ivy specific syntax, and usually called ivy.xml.
But since Ivy is also compatible with maven 2 metadata format (called pom, for Project Object Model), pom files falls into the category of module descriptors.
And because Ivy accepts pluggable module descriptor parsers, you can use almost whatever you want as module descriptors.
Ivy settings files are xml files used to configure ivy to indicate where the modules can be found and how.Prior to Ivy 2.0, these files were called configuration files and usually named ivyconf.xml. This resulted in a confusion between module configurations and configuration files, so they have been renamed in settings files.
If you happen to fall on an ivyconf file or something called a configuration file, most of the time it's only a problem of update of the doc/tutorial/article. Feel free to report any problem like this if you find such inconsistencies in this documentation.
What is called a repository in Ivy is a location where Ivy is able to find your modules artifacts and metadata (i.e. ivy files in most cases).Ivy can be used with complex repositories configured very finely. You can use Dependency Resolvers to do so.