IBiblio Resolver

Handle latestyes, at least if the repository server is apache based
Handle publishno
This resolver usually uses ibiblio to find artifacts.

since 1.3 Using the m2compatible attribute, you can benefit from maven 2 repository compatibility (convert dots in organisation in slashes, search for poms, use transitive dependencies of poms). This setting also affects the default place where the resolver look for its artifacts to point to the maven2 repository. So setting this attribute to true is sufficient to use maven 2 ibiblio repository.

since 1.4 When using the m2compatible flag, you can disable the use of poms by setting the usepoms flag to false. It is then roughly equivalent to an url resolver configured like this:
<url name="test" m2compatible="true">
<artifact pattern="http://repo1.maven.org/maven2/[organisation]/[module]/[revision]/[artifact]-[revision].[ext]"/>
since 2.0 When used in m2compatible mode with the default pattern, this resolver uses maven-metadata.xml files if present to list the revisions available on the repository. This is especially useful when using a maven specific proxy, which does not serve directory listing. This can be disable by using the useMavenMetadata flag.


This resolver shares the common attributes of standard resolvers.
rootthe root of the artifacts repository. No, defaults to ${ivy.ibiblio.default.artifact.root}
patterna pattern describing the layout of the artifacts repository. No, defaults to ${ivy.ibiblio.default.artifact.pattern}
m2compatibleTrue if this resolver should be maven2 compatible, false otherwise since 1.3 No, defaults to false
usepomsTrue if this resolver should use maven poms when it is already in m2compatible mode, false otherwise since 1.4 No, defaults to true
useMavenMetadataTrue if this resolver should use maven-metadata.xml files to list available revisions, false to use directory listing since 2.0 No, defaults to true


<ibiblio name="maven2" m2compatible="true"/>
Defines a resolver called "maven2" using the maven 2 public repository to find module metadata (using maven 2 poms) and artifacts.

<ibiblio name="maven" m2compatible="true" usepoms="false"/>
Same as above, but don't use poms, only artifacts.