
Tag: triggers
since 1.4 Defines a list of triggers to activate on some Ivy events.

A trigger is an action which is performed whenever a particular event occurs.
Ivy supports two type of triggers out of the box: ant-call and ant-build. The first calls a target in the same build as the original one whenever a particular event occurs, the second call an ant build which may be in another ant build script.

If you want to use a different trigger, you can implement your own.

The event available in Ivy are the following ones:
  • organisation
  • the organisation of the module for which the dependencies will be resolved
  • module
  • the name of the module for which the dependencies will be resolved
  • revision
  • the revision of the module for which the dependencies will be resolved
  • conf
  • comma separated list of configurations which will be resolved
Fired at the beginning of the resolve process, before a module dependencies and transitive dependencies are resolved.
  • organisation
  • the organisation of the dependency resolved
  • module
  • the name of the dependency resolved
  • req-revision
  • the requested revision for the dependency since 2.0 (provided for consistency with post-resolve-dependency)
  • revision
  • the requested revision for the dependency
  • resolver
  • the name of the resolver used to resolve the dependency
Fired before each dependency is resolved. In this case resolved means resolving the actual revision if the requested revision is a version constraint and not a static version, and downloading all necessary metadata information.
  • organisation
  • the organisation of the dependency resolved
  • module
  • the name of the dependency resolved
  • req-revision
  • the requested revision for the dependency since 2.0
  • revision
  • the revision of the dependency resolved, or the requested revision if the resolution was not successful
  • resolved
  • true if the resolution was successful, false otherwise
  • duration
  • the time elapsed to resolve the dependency (in ms) since 2.0
  • resolver
  • the name of the resolver used to resolve the dependency
Fired after each dependency is resolved
  • organisation
  • the organisation of the module for which the dependencies have been resolved
  • module
  • the name of the module for which the dependencies have been resolved
  • revision
  • the revision of the module for which the dependencies have been resolved
  • conf
  • comma separated list of configurations resolved
  • resolve-id
  • the identifier of the resolution process since 2.0
  • nb-dependencies
  • total number of dependencies, including transitive and evicted ones since 2.0
  • nb-artifacts
  • total number of artifacts resolved, excluding metadata artifacts since 2.0
  • resolve-duration
  • the time (in ms) elapsed to resolve dependencies, before dowloading artifacts since 2.0
  • download-duration
  • the time (in ms) elapsed to download all artifacts, excluding metadata artifacts downloaded during the first phase of the resolution process since 2.0
  • download-size
  • the total size (in bytes) of all downloaded artifacts, excluding metadata artifacts. Only artifacts actually downloaded (not in cache or used from their original location) are considered since 2.0
Fired at the end of the resolve process, when all module dependencies have been resolved
  • organisation
  • the organisation of the artifact which is about to be downloaded
  • module
  • the name of the module of the artifact which is about to be downloaded
  • revision
  • the revision of the the artifact which is about to be downloaded
  • artifact
  • the name of the the artifact which is about to be downloaded
  • type
  • the type of the the artifact which is about to be downloaded
  • ext
  • the extension of the the artifact which is about to be downloaded
  • metadata
  • true if the artifact to be downloaded is a metadata artifact, false for published artifacts since 2.0
  • resolver
  • the name of the resolver used to download the artifact
  • origin
  • the origin location from which it will be downloaded
  • local
  • true if it's a local artifact, false otherwise
Fired before an artifact is downloaded from a repository to the cache
  • organisation
  • the organisation of the artifact which was just downloaded
  • module
  • the name of the module of the artifact which was just downloaded
  • revision
  • the revision of the the artifact which was just downloaded
  • artifact
  • the name of the the artifact which was just downloaded
  • type
  • the type of the the artifact which was just downloaded
  • ext
  • the extension of the the artifact which was just downloaded
  • metadata
  • true if the downloaded artifact is a metadata artifact, false for published artifacts since 2.0
  • resolver
  • the name of the resolver used to download the artifact
  • origin
  • the origin location from which it was downloaded
  • local
  • true if it's a local artifact, false otherwise
  • size
  • the size in bytes of the downloaded artifact
  • duration
  • the time elapsed to download the artifact (in ms) since 2.0
  • file
  • the file to which it has been downloaded
Fired after an artifact has been downloaded from a repository to the cache
since 2.0
  • organisation
  • the organisation of the module for which the dependencies will be retrieved
  • module
  • the name of the module for which the dependencies will be retrieved
  • revision
  • the revision of the module for which the dependencies will be retrieved
  • conf
  • comma separated list of configurations which will be retrieved
  • symlink
  • true if Ivy will use symbolic links instead of copies on supported platforms, false otherwise
  • sync
  • true if the retrieve process will be performed in sync mode, false otherwise
Fired at the beginning of the retrieve process.
since 2.0
  • organisation
  • the organisation of the module for which the dependencies have been retrieved
  • module
  • the name of the module for which the dependencies will be retrieved
  • revision
  • the revision of the module for which the dependencies have been retrieved
  • conf
  • comma separated list of configurations which have been retrieved
  • symlink
  • true if Ivy used symbolic links instead of copies on supported platforms, false otherwise
  • sync
  • true if the retrieve process has been performed in sync mode, false otherwise
  • duration
  • the time elapsed in ms during the retrieve process
  • size
  • the total size of artifacts which have actually been copied (or symlinked)
  • nbCopied
  • the number of artifacts copied or symlinked
  • nbUptodate
  • the number of artifacts which were already present and up to date at the destination location
Fired at the end of the retrieve process.
since 2.0
  • organisation
  • the organisation of the artifact which is about to be published
  • module
  • the name of the module of the artifact which is about to be published
  • revision
  • the revision of the the artifact which is about to be published
  • artifact
  • the name of the the artifact which is about to be published
  • type
  • the type of the the artifact which is about to be published
  • ext
  • the extension of the the artifact which is about to be published
  • resolver
  • the name of the resolver into which the artifact is about to be published
  • file
  • the absolute path of the source file for the artifact
  • overwrite
  • "true" if the new data will overwrite existing artifacts, "false" otherwise
Fired before an artifact is published into a repository
since 2.0
  • organisation
  • the organisation of the artifact that was published
  • module
  • the name of the module of the artifact that was published
  • revision
  • the revision of the the artifact that was published
  • artifact
  • the name of the the artifact that was published
  • type
  • the type of the the artifact that was published
  • ext
  • the extension of the the artifact that was published
  • resolver
  • the name of the resolver into which the artifact was published
  • file
  • the absolute path of the source file for the artifact
  • overwrite
  • "true" if the new data overwrote existing artifacts, "false" otherwise
  • status
  • "successful" if the artifact published successfully; "failed" if the artifact failed to publish, or if the status is unknown
Fired after an artifact is published into a repository. Note that this event is fired
whether or not the publication succeeded. The "status" property can be checked to
verify success.
The child tag used for the dependency resolver must be equal to a name of a trigger type (either built-in or added with the typedef tag).

Child elements

any triggeradds a trigger to the list of registered triggers 1..n

Built-in Triggers

Ivy comes with two built-in triggers:
ant-buildTriggers an ant build.
ant-callCalls a target in the current ant build.
logLogs a message on the console or in a log file.

Common attributes

All triggers share some common attributes detailed here.

Among these attributes, you will find how to select when the trigger should be performed. You have to provide an event name, which is simple, but you can also use a filter expression. The syntax for this expression is very simple and limited:
you can use the = operator to compare an attribute (left operande) with a value (right operande).
you can use AND OR NOT as boolean operators
you cannot use parenthesis to change the precedence
namethe name of the trigger for identification purpose only Yes
eventthe name of the event on which the trigger should be performed Yes
filtera filter expression used to restrict when the trigger should be performed No, defaults to no filter


<ant-build antfile="${ivy.settings.dir}/[module]/build.xml" target="publish"
event="pre-resolve-dependency" filter="revision=latest.integration"/>
Triggers an ant build of the ant file ${ivy.settings.dir}/[module]/build.xml (where [module] is replaced by the name of the dependency resolved) with the target "publish", just before resolving a dependency with a latest.integration revision.

<ant-call target="unzip" prefix="dep"
event="post-download-artifact" filter="type=zip AND status=successful"/>
Triggers an ant call of the target unzip just after downloading a zip artifact, prefixing all parameters to the target with 'dep'.
Here is how the target can look like:
<target name="unzip">
unzipping artifact:
<mkdir dir="${basedir}/out"/>
<unzip src="${dep.file}" dest="${basedir}/out"/>

<log file="ivy.log"
message='downloaded "${origin}" to "${file}" (${duration}ms - ${size}B)'
event="post-download-artifact" filter="status=successful"/>
Logs any successful artifact download, with information on the source and destination, and details on download size and duration.

The file attribute is optional, the log trigger will output messages to console if it isn't provided.