- Documentation
Tag: settings
Configures some important ivy info: default resolver, latest strategy, conflict manager...
Default resolver is used whenever nothing else is configured in the modules section of the settings file. It should give the name of a dependency resolver defined in the resolvers section of the settings file.
Default latest strategy and conflict manager can also be configured here.
validate indicates if ivy files should generally be validated against the xsd or not. This setting is only a default value, and can be overridden:
1) in ant tasks
2) in resolvers
So if there is a setting in the resolver, it always wins against all other settings.
Attribute | Description | Required |
defaultResolver | the name of the default resolver to use | No, but all modules should be configured in the modules section if not provided |
defaultLatestStrategy | the name of the default latest strategy to use | No, defaults to latest-revision |
defaultConflictManager | the name of the default conflict manager to use | No, defaults to latest-revision |
defaultBranch | the default branch to use for all modules, except if they have a module specific branch setting. since 1.4 | No, defaults to no default branch |
circularDependencyStrategy | the name of the circular dependency strategy to use since 1.4 | No, defaults to warn |
validate | Indicates if ivy files should be validated against ivy.xsd or not. | No, defaults to true |
useRemoteConfig | true to configure ivyrep and ibiblio resolver from a remote configuration file (updated with changes in those repository structure if any) (since 1.2) | No, defaults to false |
a path to a directory to use as default basedir for both resolution and repository cache(s). Deprecated, we recommend using defaultCacheDir on the caches tag instead |
No, defaults to .ivy2/cache in user home | |
Indicates if date should be checked before retrieving artifacts from cache. Deprecated, we recommend using checkUpToDate on the caches tag instead |
No, defaults to true | |
a pattern to indicate where ivy files should be put in cache. Deprecated, we recommend using ivyPattern on the caches tag instead |
No, defaults to [organisation]/[module]/ivy-[revision].xml | |
a pattern to indicate where artifact files should be put in cache. Deprecated, we recommend using artifactPattern on the caches tag instead |
No, defaults to [organisation]/[module]/[type]s/[artifact]-[revision].[ext] |