# Sample 'portmap.conf' file # # This file should be put in one of the following locations # in order to be found by the Java Communication API implementation: # # # 1. Current directory. # 2. Each directory in ${java.classpath} (ie.$CLASSPATH or -classpath setting). # 3. /lib. # 4. /jre/lib. # # # If this file is not located, javax.comm reverts to default # port enumeration behavior, and bases device aliases on the # device paths themeselves. # # DEBUGGING: # # If javax.comm is invoked with the -Dprops option # it lists whether or not and where it located the properties # files (javax.comm.properties, and portmap.conf) and # displays the class file name for the platform driver, which # it derives from the 'driver' property in the javax.comm.properties # file. # # If javax.comm is invoked with the -Ddebug_portmap option, it # will display a list of portmap.conf parsing and # resolution errors if any exist. For example, if a DTU is # offline and references to it are made, that will be logged, # as well as any other mismatches or inconsistencies in the # portmap file with regard to the the system at runtime. # ################################################################# # # Name DTUs (required to make further referenes to them) # Teller1 = IEEE802.0003ba44e65b Admin = 00:03:ba:3c:0f:2d # # These ports won't be shown (exist on Solaris, not Linux) # Hidden Logical Names # [hide] /dev/cua/a [hide] /dev/cua/b # # Server side parallel ports associated with the Sun Ray "Teller1" # which will appear in Teller1's port list with the given name. # Teller1_Wired_PRT1 = Teller1:/dev/printers/0 Teller1_Wired_PRT2 = Teller1:/dev/eccp0 Teller1_Wired_Parport0 = Teller1:/dev/parport0 Teller1_Wired_Parport1 = Teller1:/dev/parport1 # # Server side serial ports associated with the Sun Ray "Teller1" # which will appear in Teller1's port list with the given name. # Teller1_Wired_/dev/term/a = Teller1:/dev/term/a Teller1_Wired_/dev/term/b = Teller1:/dev/term/b Teller1_Wired_/dev/term/c = Teller1:/dev/term/c Teller1_Wired_/dev/cua/a = Teller1:/dev/cua/a Teller1_Wired_/dev/cua/b = Teller1:/dev/cua/b Teller1_Wired_/dev/cua/c = Teller1:/dev/cua/c Teller1_Wired_/dev/ttyS0 = Teller1:/dev/ttyS0 Teller1_Wired_/dev/ttyS1 = Teller1:/dev/ttyS1 Teller1_Wired_/dev/ttyS2 = Teller1:/dev/ttyS2 # # Server side parallel ports associated with the Sun Ray "Teller1" # which will appear in Teller1's port list with the given name. # Admin_Wired_PRT1 = Teller1:/dev/printers/0 Admin_Wired_Parport0 = Teller1:/dev/parport0 Admin_Wired_Parport1 = Teller1:/dev/parport1 # # Server side serial ports associated with the Sun Ray "Teller1" # which will appear in Teller1's port list with the given name. # Admin_Wired_/dev/term/a = Admin:/dev/term/a Admin_Wired_/dev/term/b = Admin:/dev/term/b Admin_Wired_/dev/term/c = Admin:/dev/term/c Admin_Wired_/dev/cua/a = Admin:/dev/cua/a Admin_Wired_/dev/cua/b = Admin:/dev/cua/b Admin_Wired_/dev/cua/c = Admin:/dev/cua/c Admin_Wired_/dev/ttyS0 = Admin:/dev/ttyS0 Admin_Wired_/dev/ttyS1 = Admin:/dev/ttyS1 Admin_Wired_/dev/ttyS2 = Admin:/dev/ttyS2 # # Sun Ray Session independent logical names # (ie. we are assigning new names to server-side ports # to appear the CommPortIdentifier list for non-Sun Ray sessions) # SessionIndependent_/dev/printers/0 = /dev/printers/0 SessionIndependent_/dev/paraport0 = /dev/parport0 SessionIndependent_/dev/paraport0 = /dev/parport1 SessionIndependent_/dev/ttyS0 = /dev/ttyS0 SessionIndependent_/dev/ttyS1 = /dev/ttyS1 SessionIndependent_/dev/ttyS2 = /dev/ttyS2 SessionIndependent_/dev/term/a = /dev/term/a SessionIndependent_/dev/term/b = /dev/term/b # # Assign names to the local ports on 'Teller1' which will # appear in the CommPortIdentifier list only when the session # is running as root. # Teller1_PRT1 = Teller1:utprt1 Teller1_COM1 = Teller1:utcom1 Teller1_COM2 = Teller1:utcom2 Teller1_COM3 = Teller1:utcom3 Teller1_COM4 = Teller1:utcom4 # # Assign names to the local ports on 'Admin' which will # appear in the CommPortIdentifier list only when the session # is running as root. # Admin_PRT1 = Admin:utprt1 Admin_COM1 = Admin:utcom1 Admin_COM2 = Admin:utcom2 Admin_COM3 = Admin:utcom3 Admin_COM4 = Admin:utcom4 # # Assign names to the ports for whichever local Sun Ray # javax.comm is running on. The logical names will appear # in the CommPortIdentifier list if dongles are attached # providing corresponding ports. (Note: this is effective # mainly for DTUs with a single USB-RS232 adapter as that # is the way to guarantee port ordering). # localPRT1 = utprt1 localCOM1 = utcom1 localCOM2 = utcom2 localCOM3 = utcom3 localCOM4 = utcom4